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HFZActivatorT2 Enable-Boot From USB

HFZ-Activator-T2-Enable-Boot-From-USB V1  (mac) 


~All  BridgeOS Supported


⚔️ No more Stuck with slow Wi-Fi.


⚔️ You can install any Mac OS version just from USB drive.



➡️ Service Benefits:


✅ Giving Access to Install OS Directly from USB ( Offline OS Installation) Once ACTIVATION/ MDM/ EFI Bypass Done For T2 macs  


✅ Tool works with Unlocked T2 Macs as well 




1. Connect Mac in DFU 

2. Download and Open T2 boot Tool 

3. Copy Ecid form tool and Register 

4. Press Patch T2 USB Boot

5. Put Mac into recovery mode 

6. Go-to Disk Utility > ERASE  SSD 

7. Shutdown Mac 

8. Power ON your Mac and quickly press and hold Option key  

~ Startup options will be Load 

9. Press On the OS you download to USB 

10. Press on Continue 




Direct Download link:

DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minutes