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MINA T2 MacBook Bypass New iBridge Support

How to Do?

Step 1-
Install last bridgeOs by Configurator


Step 2-
Go to recovery screen but don’t put wifi or do anything and put device on DFU AND USE T2 RAMDISK TOOL

Step 3-
Do Bypass with Mina T2 Ramdisk Tool
Download Here

Step 4-
 After Activation BOOT DEVICE with PowerButton+Command+R release PowerButton and continue pressing command+R until you get  Internet Recover Screen this time put wifi and Install macOs normally, DONE.


After Bypass, you can erase, wipe, reinstall macOS etc.
No need rebypass.
But if erased with Configurator Tool, need rebypass.
Life time free Rebypass.

DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minutes